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A descriptive code used to identify the type of address secondary range information in the Address Secondary Range column. This code may be useful in address matching, i.e., the secondary address numbers may indicate apartment, suite, or trailer numbers, etc.
Code that describes an apartment, room, suite, space, floor or other secondary addressing numeric or alphanumeric that follows a street address. The low-end secondary address component in a range of secondary addresses.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} - {Address Secondary Low Number}
- ·00000001 through 00000009 -> 00000001
- ·A through F -> A
- ·55A through 55E -> 55A
Code that describes an apartment, room, suite, space, floor, or other secondary addressing numeric or alphanumeric that follows a street address. The high-end secondary address component in a range of secondary addresses.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} - {Address Secondary High Number}
- ·00000001 through 00000009 -> 00000001
- ·A through F -> A
- ·66A through 66E -> 66E
Code that identifies a secondary address within a range of secondary addresses as being odd (0), even (E), or both (B).
A house, rural route, highway contract box, or post office box number; the numeric or alphanumeric component of an address preceding the street name; the low-end address in a range of addresses. Often referred to as house number.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} {Address Primary Low Number}
- ·100 – 198 Main Ave -> 100
- ·101 – 199 Main Ave -> 101
- ·A200 – A298 Main Ave -> A200
- ·124-45 – 124-88 Main Ave -> 124-45
- ·101 – 120 PO Box -> 101
- ·1A – 1G RR 2 -> 1A
In our database the low and high numbers are usually preceded by leading zeros, which are removed from the mailing address. If the leading zero is part of the address, the number will have a hyphen instead of the leading zeros.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} {Address Primary Low Number}
- ·0100 – 0198 Main Ave -> -100
A house, rural route, highway contract box, or post office box number; the numeric or alphanumeric component of an address preceding the street name; the high-end address in a range of addresses. Often referred to as house number.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} {Address Primary High Number}
- ·100 – 198 Main Ave -> 198
- ·101 – 199 Main Ave -> 199
- ·A200 – A298 Main Ave -> A298
- ·124-45 – 124-88 Main Ave -> 124-88
- ·101 – 120 PO Box -> 121
- ·22A – 22B RR 2 -> 22B
In our database the low and high numbers are usually preceded by leading zeros, which are removed from the mailing address. If the leading zero is part of the address, the number will have a hyphen instead of the leading zeros.
For Example:- ·{Address Range} {Address Primary High Number}
- ·0100 – 0198 Main Ave -> -198
Code that identifies the side or sides of a street for which a given address range is applicable. For street, highrise, firm and multi-carrier records, B = Both sides of a street, E = Even side of a street (even-numbered addresses in the range); O = Odd side of a street (odd-numbered addresses in the range). For general delivery, post office box, and rural route/highway contract records, this code will always be "B" (both).
For Example:- ·{Address Range}
- ·100 – 198 Main Ave E -> Even addresses in the range
- · 101 – 199 Main Ave O -> Odd addresses in the range
- ·100 – 199 Main Ave B -> Even and odd addresses in the range
The name of a company, building, apartment complex, shopping center, or other distinguishing secondary address information. This column is normally used with firm and highrise records but may also contain literals such as "Postmaster" or "United States Postal Service."
Code that specifies whether a record is a base (preferred) or alternate record. Base records (represented as "B") can represent a range of addresses or an individual address, such as a firm record, while alternate records (represented as "A") are individual delivery points. Government deliveries will only be listed on alternate records with the appropriate government building indicator (federal, state, or city) set.
A 4-digit code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a 5-digit ZIP Code. The first character of this identification is alphabetical, and the last three are numeric:
- ·Bnnn = PO box
- ·Hnnn = Highway contract
- ·Rnnn = Rural route
- · Cnnn = City delivery
- ·Gnnn = General delivery
The name of the city (and in some cases, organization) designated by that ZIP Code or postal code.
A standard value identifying a geographic area within the United States served by a member of the US House of Representatives or Senate. If Army/Air Force (APO) or fleet post office (FPO), this column will be blank. If there is only one member of Congress within a state, the code will be "AL" (at large).
Each county in the United States is assigned a unique number for identification purposes - a "Federal Information Processing Standards" or FIPS code. The County FIPS code is a combination of a 2-digit state FIPS code as well as a 3-digit county code as designated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
A code assigned to Postal Service facilities (primarily post offices) to collect cost and statistical data and compile revenue and expense data. The state number comprises the first two positions of the finance number.
An alphabetic value that identifies the type of government agency at the delivery point and/or whether a firm is the only delivery at an address. For this purpose, "address" is defined as the complete delivery line (e.g., complete street address and, if included as part of the firm record, the secondary abbreviation and/or address secondary number). This column may be blank or may contain one of the following values:
- ·A = City government building
- ·B = Federal government building
- ·C = State government building
- ·D = Firm only
- ·E = City government building and firm only
- ·F = Federal government building and firm only
- ·G = State government building and firm only
The Locatable Address Conversion Service (LACS) indicator describes records that have been converted to the LACS system (a product/system that allows mailers to identify and convert a rural route address to a city-style address). Rural route and some city addresses are being modified to city-style addresses so that emergency services (i.e., ambulances, police, etc.) can find these addresses more efficiently.
For Example:- ·L = LACS address: The old (usually rural-route) address that has been converted for the LACS system.
- ·Blank = Not applicable
This column will be blank until further notice.
4-digits that are used to identify a geographic segment within the 5-digit delivery area, such as a city block or a group of apartments or an individual high-volume receiver of mail, or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery. This code is the low end of the range of +4 Codes that pertain to this ZIP Code.
ZIP+4 Codes associated with nondelivery areas are composed of valid ZIP sector numbers and "ND" for the ZIP segment number, for example 12345-12ND. Non-deliverable areas are areas to which the USPS does not deliver mail, such as vacant lots and land that borders railroad tracks. Mailers should not match an address identified as a nondelivery area.
If you absolutely must have numeric characters in the Plus4Code column, you may treat "ND" values as "00" (zero zero).
A geographic direction that precedes the street name.
For Example:- ·472 MAIN ST N Street Pre-Direction Abbreviation = N
- ·Spaces = No pre-direction
- · N = North
- ·NE = Northeast
- ·E = East
- ·SE = Southeast
- ·S = South
- ·SW = Southwest
- ·W = West
- ·NW = Northwest
A geographic direction that precedes the street name.
For Example:- ·472 MAIN ST N Street Pre-Direction Abbreviation = N
- ·Spaces = No pre-direction
- · N = North
- ·NE = Northeast
- ·E = East
- ·SE = Southeast
- ·S = South
- ·SW = Southwest
- ·W = West
- ·NW = Northwest
An index to the City State file that provides the preferred last-line name for this address range.
The range of +4 codes. Summing the +4 Code and the +4 Range will give you the high end of the range of +4 Codes that pertain to this ZIP Code.
For Example:ZIP Code 00602 has a +4 Code of 0001, and a +4 Range of 119. This means that the ZIP+4 Codes that are covered by ZIP Code 00602 range from 0001 to 0001 plus 119 (0120). Thus, ZIP+4 Codes 00602-0001 through 00602-0120 all pertain to ZIP Code 00602.
An alphabetic value that identifies the type of data in the record. Record type codes include the following:
- ·G = General delivery
- ·H = Highrise
- ·F = Firm
- ·S = Street
- ·P = PO box
- ·R = Rural route/highway contract
A state in our database is a state, territory, province, or region as designated by the USPS. The database includes all United States territories and possessions that have been assigned ZIP Codes.
A state code or abbreviation is a two character designation for that state - for example, California is CA and Texas is TX, etc.
The official name of a street as assigned by a local governing authority. The Street Name column contains only the street name and does not include directionals (EAST, WEST, etc.) or suffixes (ST, DR, BLVD, etc.). This element may also contain literals, such as PO BOX, GENERAL DELIVERY, USS, PSC, or UNIT. Numeric street names that have numeric components that are four characters (or less) in length at are justified such that the low-order digit of the number is positioned in the fourth position of the street name column. This shift is made so that the numeric street names appear in numeric sequence.
The street suffix:
For Example:- ·ST = Street
- ·RD = Road
- ·DR = Drive
- ·LN = Lane
An index to the City State file that provides the urbanization name for this delivery range.
The ZIP Add-On Low Sector and the ZIP Add-On Low Segment together form the ZIP Add-On Low Number. The ZIP Add-On Low Number is the last four positions of a ZIP+4 code; the low-end ZIP add-on in a range of codes; the add-on of the first ZIP+4 code in a consecutive series of ZIP+4 codes assigned to the delivery address. For example, most delivery addresses are assigned a single ZIP+4 code. However, large companies may be given a range of ZIP+4 codes that can be used to route mail to specific departments. A range of ZIP+4 codes can also be assigned to a corresponding range of post office boxes, and each box is mapped, one-to-one, with a ZIP+4 code in the range. A single post office box can also be assigned a range of ZIP+4 codes.
For Example:- ·12345-0001 through 12345-0009 -> ZIP Add-On Low Number = 0001
ZIP+4 Codes associated with nondelivery areas are composed of valid ZIP sector numbers and "ND" for the ZIP segment number. Non-deliverable areas are areas to which the USPS does not deliver mail, such as vacant lots and land that borders railroad tracks. Mailers should not match an address identified as a nondelivery area.
The ZIP Add-On Low Sector and the ZIP Add-On Low Segment together form the ZIP Add-On Low Number. The ZIP Add-On Low Number is the last four positions of a ZIP+4 code; the low-end ZIP add-on in a range of codes; the add-on of the first ZIP+4 code in a consecutive series of ZIP+4 codes assigned to the delivery address. For example, most delivery addresses are assigned a single ZIP+4 code. However, large companies may be given a range of ZIP+4 codes that can be used to route mail to specific departments. A range of ZIP+4 codes can also be assigned to a corresponding range of post office boxes, and each box is mapped, one-to-one, with a ZIP+4 code in the range. A single post office box can also be assigned a range of ZIP+4 codes.
For Example:- ·12345-0001 through 12345-0009 -> ZIP Add-On Low Number = 0001
ZIP+4 Codes associated with nondelivery areas are composed of valid ZIP sector numbers and "ND" for the ZIP segment number. Non-deliverable areas are areas to which the USPS does not deliver mail, such as vacant lots and land that borders railroad tracks. Mailers should not match an address identified as a nondelivery area.
The ZIP Add-On High Sector and the ZIP Add-On High Segment together form the ZIP Add-On High Number, which is the high-end ZIP add-on in a range of codes; the add-on of the last ZIP+4 code in a consecutive series of ZIP+4 codes assigned to the delivery address. Most delivery addresses are assigned a single ZIP+4 code; however, large companies may be given a range of ZIP+4 codes that can be used to route mail to specific departments. A range of ZIP+4 codes can also be assigned to a corresponding range of post office boxes, and each box is mapped, one-to-one, with a ZIP+4 code in the range. A single post office box can also be assigned a range of ZIP+4 codes. (See also ZIP Add-On Code.)
For Example:- ·12345-0001 through 12345-0009 -> ZIP Add-On High Number = 0009
ZIP+4 codes associated with nondelivery areas are composed of valid ZIP sector numbers and "ND" for the ZIP segment number. Non-deliverable areas are areas to which the USPS does not deliver mail, such as vacant lots and land that borders railroad tracks. Mailers should not match an address identified as a nondelivery area.
The ZIP Add-On High Sector and the ZIP Add-On High Segment together form the ZIP Add-On High Number, which is the high-end ZIP add-on in a range of codes; the add-on of the last ZIP+4 code in a consecutive series of ZIP+4 codes assigned to the delivery address. Most delivery addresses are assigned a single ZIP+4 code; however, large companies may be given a range of ZIP+4 codes that can be used to route mail to specific departments. A range of ZIP+4 codes can also be assigned to a corresponding range of post office boxes, and each box is mapped, one-to-one, with a ZIP+4 code in the range. A single post office box can also be assigned a range of ZIP+4 codes. (See also ZIP Add-On Code.)
For Example:- ·12345-0001 through 12345-0009 -> ZIP Add-On High Number = 0009
ZIP+4 codes associated with nondelivery areas are composed of valid ZIP sector numbers and "ND" for the ZIP segment number. Non-deliverable areas are areas to which the USPS does not deliver mail, such as vacant lots and land that borders railroad tracks. Mailers should not match an address identified as a nondelivery area.
ZIP stands for "Zoning Improvement Plan". It is used to signify a delivery route in the United States as designated by the USPS. In most cases a ZIP Code is a geographic region with a center point.