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Is using random addresses illegal? Maybe what you want is to get a PO Box.

Submitted by Webmaster on Tue, 2022-03-29 11:09

💡 What do you want to do with the random address?

To send something or to receive something?

If you want to send something, like letters, it’s ok but not recommended. It’s very offensive to the person who receives your letters.

If you want to receive something, I think you can try to know the PO box.

If you want to use a random address to receive something, I guess you don’t want the sender to know your private address or your other information, so the best choice is to use a PO box.

💡 Why Get a PO Box is the best choice?

Let's figure out what is PO Box is.

PO Box is a service provided by USPS. There are many kinds of sizes for the boxes in the post office, and you can choose the most convenient post office near you, then get a PO Box.

Do not forget to check the business time of the post office you want to go to.

And after you get your PO Box, please check the lobby time, if you want to access your PO Box, you have to go post office during lobby time.

When you have a PO Box, you can write the PO Box address instead of your private address. So it’s very safe for you if you do not want to let others know your address.

But you can not use your PO box as your physical address because a PO box address has no apartment or suite number in it. Also, a physical address denotes the place where you live – a PO box address doesn’t state that. You are not living in a PO Box. In particular, banks generally do not accept PO Box as a physical address.



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