현재 위치

미국 ZIP Code List

미국의 우편 번호 목록입니다. 우편 번호 5, 주, 카운티 및 도시가 목록에 표시됩니다. 제목을 클릭하시면 자세한 정보를 보실 수 있습니다.

우편 번호는 미국 우편 서비스 (USPS)에서 사용하는 우편 번호입니다. ZIP은 Zone Improvement Plan의 줄임말로, 메일을보다 효율적이고 빠르게 목적지로 전달할 수 있음을 의미합니다. 미국에는 각각 5 자리 우편 번호와 9 자리 우편 번호의 두 가지 유형의 우편 번호가 있습니다. 기본 우편 번호는 5 자리 숫자와 4 자리 숫자로 구성되어 메일이 목적지까지 더 정확하게 배달 될 수 있습니다. 첫 번째, 두 번째 및 세 번째 숫자는 유통 지역 또는 가공 및 유통 센터를 나타냅니다. 4 번째와 5 번째 숫자는 우체국 또는 배포 지역을 나타냅니다. 플러스 4 자리 우편 번호는 도시 블록, 아파트 그룹, 개별 우편 수신자, 우체국 상자 또는 기타 단위와 같이 우편 번호 내에서 매우 구체적인 지리적 위치를 식별합니다.

도시우편 번호
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09588
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09589
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09590
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09591
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09592
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09593
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09594
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09595
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09596
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09599
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09600
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09601
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09602
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09603
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09604
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09605
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09606
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09607
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09608
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09609
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09610
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09611
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09613
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09614
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09617
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09618
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09620
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09621
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09622
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09623
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09624
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09625
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09626
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09627
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09630
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09631
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09633
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09634
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09636
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09642
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09643
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09645
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09647
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09648
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09649
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09701
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09702
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09703
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09704
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09705
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09706
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09707
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09708
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09709
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09710
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09711
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09712
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09713
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09714
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09715
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09716
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09717
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09718
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09719
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09720
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09721
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09722
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09723
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09724
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09725
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09726
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09727
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09728
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09729
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09730
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09731
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09732
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesFPO09733
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesDPO09734
AEAll other territories and foreign countriesAPO09735
