미국 영토 우편번호 웹사이트에는 861개의 우편번호, 139개의 도시, 88개의 카운티 및 317,020개 이상의 우편번호+4 코드가 포함되어 있습니다. 각 9자리 우편 번호는 하나 또는 여러 개의 미국 영토 주소에 해당합니다.
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The population of the state 아메리칸 사모아 was 55,519 in 2010 and reached 49,437 in 2019 with an increase of –6,082. Now the state 아메리칸 사모아 is the 56th state by population size in the U.S. and accounts for 0.02% of the total U.S. population.

The population of the state 괌 was 159,358 in 2010 and reached 168,485 in 2019 with an increase of +9,127. Now the state 괌 is the 53th state by population size in the U.S. and accounts for 0.05% of the total U.S. population.

The population of the state 북 마리아나 제도 was 53,883 in 2010 and reached 51,433 in 2019 with an increase of –2,450. Now the state 북 마리아나 제도 is the 55th state by population size in the U.S. and accounts for 0.02% of the total U.S. population.

The population of the state 푸에르토 리코 was 3,725,789 in 2010 and reached 3,193,694 in 2019 with an increase of –532,095. Now the state 푸에르토 리코 is the 31th state by population size in the U.S. and accounts for 0.96% of the total U.S. population.

The population of the state 버진 아일랜드 was 106,405 in 2010 and reached 106,235 in 2019 with an increase of –170. Now the state 버진 아일랜드 is the 54th state by population size in the U.S. and accounts for 0.03% of the total U.S. population.

지역2019 Census Data2010 Census DataIncreaseIncrease(%)RankProportion of total population(%)
아메리칸 사모아49,43755,519–6,082–10.95%56th0.02%
북 마리아나 제도51,43353,883–2,450–4.55%55th0.02%
푸에르토 리코3,193,6943,725,789–532,095–14.3%31th0.96%
버진 아일랜드106,235106,405–170–0.16%54th0.03%